As I sit here (lay I should say) in my bed , I open my Mac and start internet surfing and think to myself OMG I've been neglecting my blog (which isn't the first time SMH). I have so much on my mind and I've been going through so much my head is spinning right now.
A couple of weeks after THE BIG VEGAS trip , my back starts hurting. So a whole 3 weeks pass and I notice that my back is still hurting and its not going away , after a while of taking the pain I decide to go to the hospital ( took X-Rays and everything results came back negative and got a oh you'll be fine) and theeeen I decided to get a second opinion from a regular doctor (got a physical and results came back negative and they gave me a referral to get another X-Ray done).
A few days before I get my X-Ray not only does my back still hurt but the pain moved from my lower back and down my left leg to my ankle (now Im getting scared). So I get the results from my X-Rays and the report says I have a slight curvature in my spine (diagnosis Scoliosis & Lumbar) , and so off to therapy I go, Im thinking yeah they're gonna make the pain go away and Ill be back to normal right!? NO. I get to therapy and the physical therapist says he thinks a nerve is being pitched which is making my leg hurt (Um ok you think or you know?UGH). Now 3 days of electric shock massages, stretching and Acupuncture. Nothing helped ;-(
So off to good ol' GOOGLE (yes I google everything!) So I type in "Back pain specialist" and BAM I find the perfect one, and I think to myself why didn't I do this earlier ;-/
So I make an appt. Get there and Im the youngest person there...lmao...tell the Doc my story and he's ask and you've been dealing with this for 2 month? <---That's a famous line cause each doctor I've spoken to says this...smh...So he cracks my back ,give me some cream (SOMBRA warm therapy-OMG it's the truth) puts me out of work for a whole week. Although the cream numbs the pain Im still not cured so on my next appt they set up therapy and MRI, can't wait till thats all done and my pain go away but untill then Ill be sure to keep you posted.
Do anyone out there have any suggestions? Have you ever been in pain like this before?